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EDF to deliver medicines to LloydsPharmacy patients

Health & NHS

EDF to deliver medicines to LloydsPharmacy patients

LloydsPharmacy has struck an agreement with EDF that will see volunteer engineers from the energy company deliver medicines to patients in some parts of England from today.

Twenty-five engineers will transport medicines to people in Bristol, Brighton, South West London and across the South of England on behalf of the pharmacy chain in the wake of a surge in the demand for the home delivery of prescriptions during the coronavirus pandemic.

LloydsPharmacy said it has been “dealing with higher than average absence rates amongst its employees” as the virus has taken a grip across the country.

“We are incredibly proud of the work that our frontline pharmacy colleagues are doing to support their communities and provide the vital supply of medicines and advice they need through the pandemic,” said Lucy Robertson, head of central operations for LloydsPharmacy.

“It’s important that we protect the most vulnerable, especially those who are shielded or self-isolating so we are prioritising home delivery of essential medicines for those groups.”

Ms Robertson said the engineers who are “used to visiting people’s homes” have had the “appropriate security checks which was an additional factor when setting up this partnership.”

LloydsPharmacy revealed the engineers, who “have been matched to local pharmacies,” have been given virtual training on their new roles, including carrying out different types of deliveries and maintaining social distancing between patients and drivers.

Boots UK has also said it is working with EDF drivers to deliver medicines during the pandemic.

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