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Pair in pharma industry raise money in memory of friend who died from cancer

Jamie Durbidge and Jamie Sparrow are raising money by walking 125 miles in five days in memory of Luke Hart.

05 Mar 2024 , 1 Min Article

Infections & antimicrobial stewardship

Researchers awarded £2.4m to assess Pharmacy First antimicrobial impact

London team get Government grant to look at take-up and impact of landmark service.

06 Feb 2024 , 3 Min Article


Drug policy researcher appointed head of RPS science committee

Award-winning researcher Amira Guirguis previously worked on Home Office drug checking scheme

10 Jan 2024 , 1 Min Article

Public health

Britons not making use of free health checks, research indicates

Four in 10 attend no health checks while smear test attendance is well below European average

02 Oct 2023 , 1 Min Article


Police search for man who exposed himself in three North-East pharmacies

The man reportedly asked a member of staff for a private chat before exposing himself in the consultation room.

27 Sep 2023 , 1 Min Article

Public health

RPS: More research needed on ketamine as depression treatment

There have been calls for Ketamine to be made available on the NHS for the treatment of depression.

24 Jul 2023 , 1 Min Article


Use pharmacists differently say Bath researchers

Hub and spoke would allow more patient-facing services, according to report.

14 Jul 2023 , 2 Min Article

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Mental health

Community pharmacies could offer mental health support to carers, say researchers

Pharmacies are 'increasingly recognised spaces' for mental health support, say authors

09 Jun 2023 , 1 Min Article