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New resources on LASA medicines


New resources on LASA medicines

The Community Pharmacy Patient Safety Group has published new resources to help pharmacy teams with discussions around look-alike sound-alike (LASA) errors.

PSNC says pharmacy teams may find these useful when working towards achieving the patient safety report quality criterion.

The resources, which were informed by the Boots UK ‘Drug of the Month’ posters, include:

  • A series of one-page resources containing informative LASA medicine dispensing and checking tips
  • A poster with useful background information on LASA errors and summarises some of the Group’s LASA work.

Part of the patient safety report quality criterion of the Quality Payments Scheme requires contractors to actively identify and manage the risks at premises level associated with specified LASA errors.

Pharmacy teams that use the above resources could record this activity in their patient safety report as evidence of acting to address and prevent LASA errors, says PSNC.

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