Pre-reg exam pass rate lowest for eight years
In Practice
Record learning outcomes
The number of candidates who passed June’s pre-registration assessment has fallen to its lowest level in eight years, according to the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).
This year’s exam was passed by 72 per cent of students, a lower pass rate than last year’s 79 per cent and some way down on the 86 per cent who passed in 2011. Some 2,128 students passed this year’s assessment.
Of the 2,942 students who took the exam, 2,677 sat it for the first time, 148 for the second time and 117 for the third time.
“Each assessment is carefully set so that only the candidates who demonstrate the required knowledge and understanding can pass and be eligible to join the register,” said GPhC chief executive Duncan Rudkin.
“By only registering those who pass this challenging assessment, we can provide assurance to patients and the public that the pharmacists on our register can practise safely and effectively.”
The pass mark for the June paper was 26 out of 40 questions for part one, and 85 out of 119 questions for the second part.