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NHS England economic analysis of pharmacies underway


NHS England economic analysis of pharmacies underway

Pharmacies in England can soon expect to be contacted by companies commissioned by NHS England to carry out an economic analysis of NHS pharmaceutical services.

As a part of the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework for 2022-24, a commitment was made by NHS England to “commission an economic analysis of NHS pharmaceutical services through an independent review, using data provided by contractors”, working with Community Pharmacy England and the Department of Health and Social Care.

This work has started, and pharmacies will soon be contacted by the Frontier and IQVIA, who are conducting the review, to take part in a data collection exercise.

PCSE takes over pharmacy closures

From 1 July Primary Care Support England has taken over responsibility for administrating the processing of notices of withdrawal from a pharmaceutical list. Contractors should send these notices to

Any submissions made before 1 July will still be dealt with by the pharmacy’s Integrated Care Board (ICB).

Technicians - NHS services and PGDs 

NHS England says it is developing processes to “consider updating NHS advanced and nationally agreed enhanced clinical service specifications” in light of the new legislation that came into effect last week which allows pharmacy to legally supply and administer certain medicines under patient group directions (PGDs).

NHS England notes that this does not prevent registered pharmacy technicians from delivering services via a PGD outside of nationally commissioned services, as long as requirements are met.

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